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Day of a Boss Babe

Hey guys!

This post is a little different because I am collabing with Wolefit and it´s all in english - the swedish version is going to come up in a few days. I am usually doing posts with both swedish and english versions, but this one is kind of long and I just feel it would be too much to combine the two of them this time. Amanda from Wolfefit and I documentet a full day of our lives to show you a little bit of our world, how we work and fill our days.

This is Amanda! She is really just a great Boss Babe and a big inspiration. AND she is building an entire Boss Babe empire so be SURE to check her out! Just click on the links below: Instagram Facebook

My day

I choose last friday, when I was sick, but still got a lot of work and studying done! I would have loved to incorporate me training too, but I think that it is more realistic this way. I was sick and that's life. A workout-day will come up though!

So let's jump right into my day!


I like to start a productive day with a nice breakfast, even though this one was kind of small for me, but I hadn't been working out for almost a week, so I wasn't that hungry. Another thing I try to do when eating breakfast is planning my day.

I had some fresh juice and whole cereals.

Get ready with me?

(get ready for silly blow-kiss pics)

After breakfast I got ready! Getting ready and putting makeup on is really important to me, not because I don't like how I look without makeup, but because I first of all love the process, and second of all love how literally "ready" it makes me feel. Like ready to do important things.

I also just bought the Anastasia Beverly Hills Dipbrow and love it, even though it was kind of expensive for my taste. But sometimes you just need to buy the good stuff. That day I wore foux leather pants, a grey t-shirt and a fluffy jacket because it is cold in Sweden and I didn't feel like freezing. I also wore my black boots. I am also very sorry for the messy background, we are moving in a few days.

Planning fun stuff and fancy lunch

After getting ready it was off to Gothenburg where I met a friend for a little project work that I can't talk about, fun! We got a lot done, even though the wifi wasn't working at the café we were at (of course). After working we were off to lunch! A healthy, gigantic salad with lots of good stuff. If you live in Sweden or visit Sweden you should check this place out, it's called JOS (also check out their Instagram, it's amazing).

Study til' dark

After lunch we bought some new notebooks and then actually headed to the University to study there. We were sitting there quite some time, drinking coffee and focusing until the sun went down. When there only were we and like two other people in the building and the guard started to move around creepily, we decided it was time to head home.

Keep the hustle going

After taking the train home I went grocery shopping with Jesper, and made dinner when we got home. For me, cooking that late was a miracle (cooking at all is a miracle), but I was also tired of not eating real food. I also took a nice warm shower.

While I was eating i used the time to work, because I just can't stop you know, and wrote a blog post. I think it was "Why I'm awesome".

And then, finally, it was time for bed. I really try to not work that late though, but I had so much energy and thoughts left inside of me that just had to get out.

And that's that! I really hope you like this kind of post because I'm thinking about doing more of it! And DONT FORGET to check out Amandas post on Wolfefit, which should be up next week (I will update you).

Have an amazing friday and a wonderful weekend!

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